Parameter | iGuider Product Tour

  1. Search for page elements that need to be highlighted can be done in several ways:

    target: 'uniqueName'	/*<div data-target="uniqueName"></div>*/
    target: '.className'	/*<div class="className"></div>*/
    target: '#idValue'		/*<div id="idValue"></div>*/
    target: '<tagname class="classname">' /*<tagname class="classname">content</tagnam>*/

  2. You can highlight several elements at the same time. To do this, give them the same names or list them separated by commas.

    target: '.name-1, .name-2, .name-3'

  3. Message in center of screen without specifying a specific target.

    target: ''	/*or Absent target parameter.*/

Start Target Tour

Element 1 Element 2 Element 3 Element 4 Element 5 Element 6
